Career Coaching

The Future of Coaching

In the future, many companies will not hire people if they are not in alignment with their passion, their purpose, their talent. At Synergy Diamond Coaching we aim to facilitate a process or catalyse your process for you to find the job you will love doing and make a lot of money from it with a smile. It is common knowledge that those that do what they love are happy people. It is one of the keys to success because you are enjoying the journey of life by doing what you are passionate about and talented at.

What can Career Coaching offer you?

Whether your want to change job, change career or get into business, career coaching is often a priceless experience facilitating your awakening into you unleashing your true potential, your natural talents and strengths. It is about you acting to find your flow and the flow is found within.

Your Inner FLOW

The flow may best be described by Psychology Professor, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book titled “Flow, The Psychology of Optimial Experience” as an optimal state of intrinsic motivation, where the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing. This is a feeling everyone has at times, characterized by a feeling of great freedom, enjoyment, fulfillment, and skill—and during which temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc.) are typically ignored. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. To us flow is an expansion of unlimited positive energy from within unique to each individual that results in positive contribution to all. It is about enjoying the journey rather than just the fleeting moments when you reach your goals. We believe it is your birth right.

We acknowledge that you may

  • Know what you are passionate about but don’t know how to make money from it, or
  • Not know what you are passionate about and want to find out, or
  • It could be a career transition management issue so that you plan your move from now to a better place, smartly.

How do you find your Flow (Passion)?

We can facilitate the process of you finding the “flow within” by

  • Simple exercises; or
  • Better questions; and or
  • Providing practical strategies, or
  • Working on your values, beliefs, mission and dreams, or
  • and Most importantly accessing your intuition/heart/spirit. I am a qualified Soul Communicator so we can connect to the Soul World and see what appropriate and relevant messages there are waiting for you to help you on your heart's path.
  • Combination of these and more.

Career Empowerment

Career Coaching is also about empowering you, so that you see and feel the massive value that you can add to society; instead of seeking a job, security and money from others. You lead off with heart and mindset of great self worth, confidence and self understanding, marketing yourself as someone who can add value. Someone with something unique to give and add value to others, rather than someone looking for people to give.

If you would like Career Coaching see the Contact Us page for details.

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