
I provide a range of services such as coaching services, and soul light-energy facilitation services.

I mix Eastern and Western practical wisdom with coaching tools to maximise your success.

The mystic Rumi said that a 200 year journey without a guide, can take two days with a guide. I may not be a mystic but I can start you off with basics, foundational principles and other coaching best practices that will aid you in many areas of your life and wellbeing.


Synergy Diamond Coaching


Personal Coaching

Coaching is about positive change, freedom and transformation. Coaches help us achieve our dreams and goals. They can motivate and inspire us to lead a life with meaning and purpose.

Coaching is about YOU. It is a process of empowerment in which you take inspired planned action to get better results. There are many lasting benefits including self-growth, more happiness, success, increased emotional intelligence and increased wealth. For  more see the What is Life Coaching? page.


Your inner world has a language, laws, specific words, different feelings, models, beliefs, hidden stories and more.

Exploring by yourself is difficult and time consuming. With an experienced coach, you can fast track your understanding, knowledge and awareness of your inner world which will result in many tangible and intangible benefits.

So dip your toe in and begin that journey!


Energy Medicine - The Next Level is Soul Light

In recent years I have attended many workshops and studied different modalities in Energy Medicine. More recently I have gained a number of qualifications through the Tao Academy which are listed in the About Us section of this site. What I learnt was that many or most modalities only go as far as the energy or chi level when treating you but the modalities taught by the Tao Academy as taught by Master Sha also work on the Soul level. This is very big because we are working on the karmic level and many of our issues need work on this level. So my deep suggestion is think and ponder this; and dip you toe into Soul Light and Energy frequencies; or better yet give it a good go. Tao Blessings


Healy: Introducing Healy - Time waiver frequency technology now available for everyone - from Germany!

Healy is a relatively new frequency device which can be purchased for a one off fee, starting from about $800 for the Healy Gold package and ranging up to $3800 which includes the Healy Resonce package.

It has approval from the TGA.

It works on your energetic body. It is designed to harmonize your bioenergetic field and enhance recover, vitality and wellbeing, not to cure, treat etc disease.

The testimonies are many and impressive. Alot can be found on you tube about the time waiver technology that it is based on.

Contact me for links to Asia, USA, Europe and India.



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